Awesome (faux) Alfredo

As an unfortunate member of the severely lactose intolerant community I am constantly searching for solid alternatives to my favotite dairy filled dishes. When this recipe from Marni Wasserman popped up on Twitter I was sold. Alfredo, with no cheese AND no gluten?! YES PLEASE! So thank you Marni for the amazing recipe.

Awesome (faux) Alfredo:

Courtesy of Fully Nourished.

1 small onion, cut into thin slices

1 tablespoon sesame oil

1 cup Wakame, soaked in cold water for 5 minutes, removed and chopped.

** What is Wakame you ask? It’s a an edible seaweed that is nutrient dense. You can read more about it’s benefits here. Be warned, when placed in the water, it smells like the ocean. In a weird way. Don’t let this deter you, it tastes great in the dish. I found this bag at Whole Foods.**

2 tablespoons tamari – I use low sodium, Gluten Free

1 package of brown rice noodles or quinoa spiral noodles

The “Alfredo” Sauce:

¾ cup water

½ cup tahini – again, low sodium, Gluten free

5 tablespoons tamari

1/2 cup wheat free/gluten free/brown rice bread crumbs

** Check out Glutino for this. Definitely a good choice.**

Preheat oven to 375 F. Sauté onion in sesame oil until transparent. Place wakame on top of onions.

Add tamari, and cook for about 10 minutes until the liquid is absorbed. In the meantime, cook the pasta until done. Drain and set aside. In a bowl, mix together tahini, tamari and ¾ cup water until smooth. The sauce sort of curdles but keep stirring. Mix onion, wakame mixture, noodles and tahini sauce together. Cover with breadcrumbs. Bake for approximately 20 minutes. Enjoy!

For being dairy and gluten free the dish is surprisingly hearty and creamy! Not only is is tasty, but you getting amazing benefits from the dish. The Wakame is nutrient dense and the Tahini is a great source of minerals and Essential Fatty Acids.

I feel a new obsession emerging, finding dishes that normally contain dairy, and making a dairy free alternative? Yes!!

Great music for eating your Awesome (faux) Alfredo? Listen here.


The Real Dish – on a dairy free mission!

3 thoughts on “Awesome (faux) Alfredo

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Awesome (faux) Alfredo « The Real Dish --

  2. This is a great post! Oddly enough, I received over half of these ingredients from my friend when she moved! Coincidence, eh? I DONT THINK SO!

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